Area History

Click the below links to view Ely area history of interest!


150th slide show - Historic Photos of Ely

Ely History Timeline

Ely, Then and Now, Part one        
Ely, Then and Now, Part two  (Historic Dows Street)

Ely becomes a town

Ely blog posts

Ely Fire Department history

Ely American Legion - St. Quentin Post 555 - history

First Presbyterian Church near Ely  - history

St. John Lutheran Church, Ely - history

Ely, Shueyville & Western College -  Iowa State Gazetteer 1884-1885

F.J Krob & Company - History of the company (large .pdf, allow time to load)


Big Grove Township Pioneers

Facklers Grove Cemetery Prioject


Western blog posts


Memories of Elizabeth (Hall) Graham about early Shueyville

Blog posts on Shueyville


Blog posts about area schools

St. Peter & Paul's Catholic Church - history

The Bohemians in Johnson County, 1911, by Bohumil Simek (Shimek), .pdf file 
     [We who are descendants of the early Czechs from Johnson and Linn Counties in Iowa should be extremely grateful for Professor Simek’s tenacity in rooting out the Bohemian names from various old records, some of which would be virtually lost due to misspellings, alterations and the passage of time, if not for him.]

Rural Bohemian Bands of Southern Linn and Northern Johnson Counties,1910-1960, by Peter A. Drahozal, with permission (.pdf document)

Swisher Centennial history